![]() So I decided to make Eric a treat last week and put together an amazing meal that tested my skyllz. I tried a bunch of new things like roasting the garlic before I added it into my mashed potatoes, and cooking fillet mignon and getting it to medium rare and wrapped in bacon! Then I thought it would be fun to try to make my own kind of lava cake with the compote fruit topping that Eric always loves. For the compote I just chop up strawberries, mangoes and add some orange juice and sugar. Then I just simmer it down while I cook until it is a tasty sauce. I guess that is a compote? I dno, I just made it up. Anyway, check out the photos and click on the mini galleries to see their captions! ![]() My dad gave us a fancy griddle for our wedding. As soon as we unwrapped it Eric wanted fried chicken! So, a few days later I decided that I would see what I could do! It was early enough in the morning to thaw our Costco chicken breasts and soak them in a milk bath with lots of garlic, paprika and honey. That afternoon I put paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, pepper and a few secret things into a mixing bowl and whisked the seasonings in with the flour. I then pulled the strips of chicken breasts out of the milk bath, dredged them in the flour and seasonings and then popped them in the pipping hot oil in the skillet. For a first attempt at fried chicken, it was pretty dang perfect! Crispy, golden brown, a little sweet, a little spicy. We dipped the strips in honey and enjoyed the chicken with green beans with caramelized onions and herb infused mashed potatoes. I think this was Eric's favorite dinner thus far! Check out the pictures of the experimental process!! I am proud to announce that I have cracked the code! The other night Eric and I had a craving for paninis, but all we had was frozen Costco chicken, a can of peeled tomatoes, shredded taco cheese, a lonely onion, and a bag of spinach. Just your regular fridge full of bleh food. But enough bleh food to potentially be able to render out some form of awesome paninis. ![]() So, taking a note out of Alton Brown's book, I thawed the chicken just under one hour by letting lukewarm water trickle into the Tupperware of water with the frozen chicken. I guess the transfer of heat energy in then out of the water speeds up the thawing process? I don't know. Anyway, after that I "brined," the chicken in salt water with Italian seasonings, dried onion, garlic, pepper and a bit of brown sugar for sweetness. The salt helps the Chicken open up its little pores and drink in the yummy flavors. I let that brine while I sauteed the canned taste out of the tomatoes and caramelized the onions. I like my onions just barely caramelized, where they're still crunchy, you know? ![]() Then I took the chicken out and plopped it onto our new Calphalon griddle. (aka my new favorite thing) I covered the top of them with more dried onions, waited until it was time to flip them and then sprinkled the other side with them too. I love how crunchy, sticky and sweet the crust from dried onions can be. Then I put the bread on the grill with a little bit of oil and garlic salt, sprinkled the cheese over the bread, laid on the chicken (now golden brown and sliced) and smushed another piece of bread on top. We don't have a panini smusher, which is a bummer, so I did all the smushing with my spatula and grilled the sandwiches on both sides. The Sandwiches turned out to be AMAZING! :)
Eric couldn't eat his fast enough. Hooray for first time panini success!! 12/1/2013 So this week Eric decided to take Bailey with him on his weekly 5k. She's used to running a lot with her Grandpa Prince, but this was the first time she ran in an event with lots of people! Eric said that she did really well, only getting confused and flustered when everyone started running at the same time. (she calmed down and got into her groove relatively quickly) But, she started going a bit slower and began limping at the end! It turned out that she had a little sticker stuck in her delicate paw. Eric pulled it out for her and she was fine. I am glad she was a little fancy, I can't cope with having a tough well adjusted animal. (jk jk)
Check out the pics of Bailey the athlete! There is a little bit of DERP in the center top photo. :) #proudpuppymamma ![]() Ever since forever, I have dreamed of being able to have a picture perfect bedroom fit for a princess! Now that I've married a prince, I get to have one! (Or at least I think it looks like a princess room :P) I love the silver and blue with touches of beige. The square lamps make it a bit more masculine, after all, Prince Eric has to live here too! Luckily the blue leather chair (also kind of masculine, no?) from my previous room has matched perfectly with our new decorations! All of our beautiful framed wedding photos go with the princess theme. Obviously, because that was the most princessy day of my life! HOWEVER, I have now realized that this room is fit for a princess... But she is not me. The princess to whom this room belongs is Miss Priss herself, Bailey. Scroll down to the last picture to see her lounging in the lap of luxury. AKA our bed! Tsk Tsk! Enjoy! ![]() This Christmas was so special for us. It was the first official Christmas that we could spend together and it was also the first Christmas that we spent in our new house. The spirit of Christmas was so strong this year! The snow, the icicles on our roof, the smell of baking cookies and the family we were able to be with all blended together to create an amazing Christmas spirit. This is our blog post documenting all of the awesome times we had during "Our First Christmas," 2014! I kept my presents a secret from Eric by wrapping them at work! My OCD goes a bit crazy when it comes to gift wrapping...! We decided to spend the morning of Christmas Eve alone together. It was the first time that we had actually been together on Christmas! As part of Eric's Christmas present I splurged and bought bacon to have with our Christmas breakfast. I also scrambled some eggs, seasoned with a dash of garlic salt, chopped onions, some pepper and melted sharp cheddar over the top. I made whole grain pancakes, plain for the first batch and chocolate chip as a special surprise when he wanted second helpings. And on the side I put out some yummy diced peaches! Below is a pic of Eric's face when I served the food. Gotta love that bed head and those sleepy eyes! Now for presents!! I got Eric some great Nautica dress socks because I LOVE how it looks when he wears a clean dark suit, but has that flash of color when he crosses his legs and his socks show. Is that weird? I also got him a super awesome tie that can work in any season! Eric was ALWAYS complaining of how his wallet was uncomfortable to his bum, and lately I had noticed that the compartments were literally only held on by a thread. So I found this gorgeous bifold wallet by Kenneth Cole. It still had tons of compartments and a flap for his ID, which I know he likes. He LOVED IT! Yay! I also gave him some great indoor-outdoor slippers. They're great for when he has to take out the garbage in the snow. You can see those on his feet in the picture below. For Christmas Eric got me a whole suite of ski gear!! He got me a matching set of gloves, hat and neck gaiter by Columbia. They are so fuzzy and gorgeous! He also got me a ski suit that fit perfectly and ski socks! (Pink of course) He also got us a Groupon for an Ice Skating double date, because he knows Ice Skating is my favorite! Last but not least, he framed a photo from our honeymoon. Over all it was a wonderful first Christmas in our first home together <3 Above is a peppermint chocolate chip milkshake for a treat before we headed to his parent's house. (made in our new ninja blender. Get one. They're amazing) We had to buy all new ornaments for our cute little fake tree (which was also new) P.S. Being newlywed is expensive! The angel on top of the tree was given to my by my grandma when I was just a little girl. Bailey is afraid of it because it's arms move. lol ![]() All in all, we feel so blessed to be where we are in life right now. We have wonderful friends with beautiful hearts, loving families with warm welcoming arms, and a beautiful home that we can call our own. Thank you to everyone who celebrated the beginning of our new life with us. The love and celebration surrounding our wedding has helped kick off what has become the best four months of our lives. Love to all! ![]() In between our Utah and California ceremonies, Eric and I spend two amazing weeks on the Island of Kaua'i. After three months of house buying, moving, job finding, wedding planning and more we were SO ready to press pause on life and relax. Or at least I was. Eric wanted to climb every mountain on the island. So we compromised ;) For the first night we stayed at this sprawling estate vacation rental. Which was REALLY nice, don't get us wrong, but they hadn't been super upfront in their correspondence with Eric. We ended up having to stay in an older structure than they had promised, the pool wasn't lit, the owners were living right across from where we would be staying and there was tons of gecko poop in the house! So we decided on the second day to switch to a resort. BEST IDEA EVER. Click on Read more to continue reading!! Eric's cousin Catherine took our wedding photos today! Eric had the billiant idea of shooting at Silver Late in the mountains. The sun and light was absolutely perfect and the scenery was nothing short of EPIC! was so mad that I couldn't be the one behind the camera, but Catherine ended up being totally amazing. We pinned a bunch of inspiration shots to Pinterest before hand and she was able to totally recreate the look we wanted. We are feeling so amazed at how wonderfully everything is turning out. <3
![]() We cooked!! As your probably know, we have a little townhome in Layton awaiting us, and we are having a blast turning it into a home! Although we're not living in it yet, we have been spending our evenings there, but have never cooked until tonight. Momentous, I think is the word. ;) It was kind of a lame dinner, just OJ, chicken-veggie dumplings, and garlic mashed potatoes. We used the beautiful Calphalon pan set that Aunt Barbara gave us at Stephanie's bridal shower. They are kind of amazing. We are SO lucky to be the recipients of such wonderful gifts and well-wishes. We can't wait to celebrate with everyone come November!! |
S&EAfter 2 years of dating Categories