Eric and Stephanie met in 2011 in Palo Alto, California! Eric was a fledgling grad student, fresh out of his first day of orientation at Stanford, and Stephanie was just getting started on opening up her own design business when he decided to take her out to dinner. They had their first date at the Cheesecake Factory located on the historic University Avenue off of Stanford campus. Shortly thereafter, over Sundaes and a beautiful view of The Bay, a second romantic date in Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco got them hooked! From then on, the two have been inseparable - becoming not only the loves of each other's lives but, more importantly, best friends!
Eric and Stephanie couldn't be more excited to start this exciting new chapter by celebrating their union with family & friends. :)
fast forward...
We got married, moved into our own town home, and had a little surprise bundle of joy ♥♥♥ Max was born 3 mos premature and 1 month IUGR; giving mom and dad quite a scare! But everyone is healing and moving forward. Every day is a battle to support Mighty Max but each is a triumph come morning. But, respice adspice prospice, right?